Recent papers from Simone Gutt


--) Michel Cahen,  Jean Gutt and  Simone Gutt, Almost complex structures, transverse complex structures, and transverse Dolbeault cohomology, pdf version (arXiv:2208.12668).

94) Michel Cahen,  Simone Gutt, Manar Hayyani and Mohammed Raouyane, Some pseudo-K\"ahler Einstein $4$-symmetric spaces with a ``twin'' special almost complex structure, Differential Geometry and its applications, under press,
pdf version (arXiv:2206.05958).

93) Michel Cahen, Simone Gutt, John Rawnsley, On Twistor Almost Complex Structures, Journal of Geometric Mechanics 13,3, 2021, 313--331, doi: 10.3934/jgm.2021006,    pdf version  (arXiv:2010.04780)

92) Michel Cahen, Maxime G\'erard, Simone Gutt and Manar Hayyani, Distributions associated to  almost complex structures
on  symplectic manifolds, ,Journal of Symplectic Geometry 19,5 (2021). 1071--1094,  pdf version  (arXiv:2002.02335).

91) Martin Bordemann, Olivier Elchinger, Simone Gutt and Abdenacer Makhlouf, L-infinity Formality check for the Hochschildof Complex of certain Universal Enveloping
Algebras of Lie algebras, Journal of Geometry and Physics, under press, pdf version, (arXiv:1807.03086).

90) Simone Gutt, Group Actions in deformation quantization, Banach Center Publications 123 (2021), 37-62 MSC: 53D55; 53D20. DOI: 10.4064/bc123-2,  pdf version  (arXiv:1904.12930).

89) Michel Cahen, Simone Gutt and Stefan Waldmann, Nuclear Group Algebras for Finitely Generated Groups, Bulletin of the Belgian Mathematical Society--Simon Stevin, 27 (4), 2020,  567-594 DOI: 10.36045/j.bbms.200304,  pdf version (arXiv:1610.07746).

88) Simone Gutt, Deformation Quantization and Group Actions,  in Quantization, Geometry and Noncommutative Structures (A. Cardona et al. eds), Mathematical Physics studies, Springer Verlag, 2017, 17-73.

87) Michel Cahen, Thibaut Grouy, Simone Gutt, A Possible symplectic framework for Radon-type transforms, Int. J. of Geom. Meth. in Mod. Phys {\bf{13}} (2016).

86) Simone Gutt, Symplectic space forms and submanifolds, in Geometry of Jets and Fields, Banach Center Publications, 110 (2016) 73-85, (pdf version)

85) Michel Cahen, Simone Gutt, Laurent La Fuente Gravy, John Rawnsley, On Mp^c-structures and Symplectic Dirac Operators, (pdf version),  Journal of Geometry and Physics (2014) pp. 434-466.

84) Simone Gutt, Sufficient conditions for embeddings in generalized space forms,  (pdf version) in Pure and Applied Differential Geometry PADGE 2012, in  memory of Franki Dillen, edited by J. Van der Veken et al., Shaker Verlag, Aachen 2013, 152-160.

83) Michel Cahen and Simone Gutt,  Spinc, Mpc and  symplectic Dirac operators (pdf version), in Geometric Methods in Physics, XXXI  Workshop 2012, ed. by P. Kielanowski et al., Trends in Mathematics, Birkh\"auser, 2013, 13-28.

82) Michel Cahen, Simone Gutt, John Rawnsley, Symplectic Dirac operators and Mp^c-structures (pdf version), Gen Relativ Gravit (2011) 43, 3593-3617.

81) Michel Cahen, Simone Gutt , Amin D. Malik, John Rawnsley, Transitive subgroups of transvections acting on some symplectic
symmetric spaces of Ricci type, Journal of Geometry and Physics 61 (2011) 1292–1308.

80) Simone Gutt, Stefan Waldmann, Involutions and Representations for Reduced Quantum Algebras,  (pdf version), Advances in Mathematics,  224 (2010) 2583-2644.